Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Overdose

Disclaimer: This blog contains sarcasm, humor, irreverent humor, and profanity. If you are a prude, or are easily offended, you WILL be offended, so please stop reading now.

As I write this Mother's Day is over and I for one could not be more thrilled. It is not because I hate Mothers, nothing could be further from the truth, I love Mothers. It is also not because I don't agree they need recognition for all they do for us, hell most of us would be in far worse condition than we are if not for the hard work, sweat, and tears Mothers put in on our behalf. No, I am glad Mother's Day is over because I am tired of having to see and read all the sickly sweet, mostly contrived fake sentiment that takes over the airwaves and cyberspace.

If you are under the age of accountability which varies depending on what state or part of the country you are in but for the sake of argument let's say....14, you are excused from this because: a) you know no better, and b) you are probably forced to partake by either or both of your parents. However, anyone older than that, it is you I have a problem with.

I have no problem with you treating your Mom special. Hell, she deserves it for having to put you with all your crap when you were younger. Both the literal crap she had to clear from all of your orifices as well as the bathroom floors and walls when you thought pooping was a full contact sport. Also the verbal, emotional crap you put her through as a teenager when you thought you one everything but you really didn't know shit (and if you are being honest, still don't). No, by all means, treat her special but do it amongst yourselves, not where the rest of us have to suffer through it. I am tired of seeing my Facebook, twitter, or any other social media taken up with you false sentiment. Some of us have lost our Moms and DO NOT look forward to Mother's Day, we would just rather get through it and move on.

And if we are being honest amongst ourselves, you should be showing your Mother this kind of sentiment and appreciation EVERY SINGLE fucking day of the year. We shouldn't need a day set aside to do that. Yes, it is nice that we do have such a day, but the problem is -- like charity and taking care of your fellow man, or treating everyone you come across with respect -- once you designate a certain day (or agency to provide charity) to acknowledge someone or certain group then we only do it on that one day. I am sure most Mothers would rather you call them every day or at least once a week to see how they are doing. I am sure they would rather you take them out to dinner at least once a month, or to receive flowers or a card at least once a month (if not every few weeks) that say "Just thinking of you Mom and wanted to say how much I love you". But nooooo, we consider ourselves good children if we treat he that way on Mothers Day. 

Now, your mom being the angel she is, will not tell you this -- that is left up to assholes like me. Instead she probably says that she doesn't need it everyday. That she knows you love her, you don't need to say it, etc. But I am telling you, she is lying. She wants to hear it everyday, she needs to hear it everyday, she deserves to hear it everyday. SO get off your ass and feeling like a good offspring for making Mother's Day special and make EVERYDAY Mother's Day. And while you do that, don't force the rest of us to remember the fact that we miss our moms, that we no longer have our moms around, and that we can no longer make up to our moms that we were rude, self-conscious, arrogant assholes. I beat myself up enough over that fact, I don't need or appreciate you reminding me, intentional or not.

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