Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day-Thank You to ALL who have served

Today is Memorial Day, a day that is more often viewed as a 3 day weekend from work, where the focus is put on camping, or having cook outs and parties. But in reality the day holds more meaning that we tend to bestow on today. It is a day where we who are lucky to live in the Untied States, owe our respect and remembrance to ALL those who have served our nation and us.

Memorial day got it's official start in 1868 when Maj. Gen John Logan, the head of the Union Veterans of the Civil War established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. Similar services had happened in various cities in both North and South years before but those were not considered official. Many cities claim to be the birthplace of this holiday, approximately 25 most in the South. However, in 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson declared Waterloo, N.Y. to be the "Official" birthplace of the holiday. A specific date was not established at this time, but by the end of the 19th century it was most often celebrated on May 30th.

While at that time it was mainly for the soldiers from the Civil War, it was after World War 1 that the holiday was expanded to include all those who had died serving the country in ALL the wars involving America. And in 1971 Congress made it an official Federal Holiday.

I for one am proud to honor and remember all those who gave their all to defend this country and her citizens. There is no greater honor than one can bestow than to lay down their lives for the fellow man, and NO ONE does that better than the American Soldier. They have kept us free for 240 years now and still going strong.

I am proud and honored to have served myself and consider all those who have served and continue to serve to be my brothers and sisters. I could't ask for a better, more honorable, more loyal family than my fellow veterans. All of us who have served don't ask for special treatment, and we certainly don't consider ourselves heroes. The only heroes are those who never made it home. Those are the ones we remember and honor.

So, by all means go camping, get together and cook out, have parties.. but please, take at least few moments this weekend and remember what was sacrificed to make it all possible. None of those heroes would ask or expect you to stop such activities or feel guilty for enjoying them, in fact they would probably curse you up a blue streak and kick your arses for even thinking it. They would tell you that is the very reason they served and have their all. We just owe it to them to take a few moments and silently remember them.

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